Poet, Scientist, Educator, Mrya Sklarew:
“It is like sitting down with a very intelligent friend and having the kind of conversation you’d always wanted to have.” Read her charming letter here…
A letter from Myra Sklarew to ASP Publisher Rose Solari
Dear Rose,
A long over due thank – you for James Patterson’s wonderful book. It is like sitting down with a very intelligent friend and having the kind of conversation you’d always wanted to have. And it stirs one’s own conversations – or imagined ones – or reminds one of the strange coincidences that life offers. “Morphic resonances” that the molecular biologist Rupert Sheldrake talks about, as information, human interaction, can be transmitted like waves or particles through space. When we feel a resonance with what is being said or written, we have that sense, that beyond the usual fields ( electromagnetic, light, etc. ) there is this other force field composed of memory, learning, belief, etc.
I’ve been teasing my youngest grand daughter who is addicted to text messaging that the next step will be no language at all, all visual ( since they compress language into symbols already ) and then telepathy!
But James’ writing has that effect, to initiate and to remind us. I think it is a wonderful book by which to originate your press. Congratulations to you both!
– Myra