Junk Shop Window
Junk Shop Window A visit to the Wordsworth Trust in Grasmere, England, results in a meeting with a telepathic dog. A trip to see the Irish Rovers on St Patrick’s Day becomes slapstick worthy of the I Love Lucy Show, An attempt to record the right background sounds for a Sherlock Holmes radio play opens a…
Bermuda Shorts
Bermuda Shorts When my book, Bermuda Shorts went up on Amazon, I was biting my nails at what people might say about it in their personal reviews. I was chagrined, of course, by some who didn’t ‘get it,’ but I was even more bowled over by those who did, and in spades. I always rely on personal…
Roughnecks A tale of trial, risk, sacrifice, and self-discovery, Roughnecks takes its place in the tradition of American literary quest fiction. Is Zachary Harper an Ishmael or a Sal Paradise? A Jay Gatsby or a Huck Finn? Whoever he might be, he seeks self-knowledge, awareness, and authenticity. He will find it on an oil rig,…